OpenTrack partner with Nathalie McGloin Racing for 2017


I'm absolutely delighted to announce that OpenTrack have come on board as team sponsors for 2017. Dave is a good friend ours and a big supporter of mine and I'm very grateful for his generosity and support. OpenTrack track days are a perfect arena for me to get some seat time in the Cayman which is a big cost to my racing budget over the course of a season. Dave's generous sponsorship will allow me to get some great quality practice in this season which I wouldn't have otherwise been able to do. Yesterday saw the start of this relationship as I took the Cayman to OpenTrack's first Silverstone GP day of the season.

If you haven't been on an OpenTrack day, check out their shiny new website and see what they have to offer. Dave's prices are always very competitive with the added bonus of free tuition, free photos and the famous OpenTrack donuts! What you pay on the website is the end cost for the day - NO HIDDEN EXTRAS!


OpenTrack have also come on board as Spinal Track sponsors too! This means that Dave will be seeing a lot of the Bayloins this year, I hope he knows what he's let himself in for!

SponsorshipNathalie McGloin