SIA Ambassador and Williams Racing

I am extremely proud to announce that I have been asked to become an Ambassador for the Spinal Injuries Association. I'm involved with a lot of charities and organisations but none are as close to my heart as the SIA. The SIA are a lifeline to anyone who has sustained a life changed spinal injury. The work they do isn't always well publicised or glamorous but it is vital to people surviving a life living with a spinal cord injury. Without them, many of my friends with spinal injuries wouldn't be here today. When I was first injured, coping was difficult for me and my family. The strength I got from the SIA was unbelievable. Their volunteers with spinal injures who came onto the ward to speak to newly injured patients showed me that there was life after spinal injury, their Forward magazine gave me the advice I needed about practical solutions for going back to school and the peer support for my mum and dad from parents of other injured patients gave them hope that we weren't in this alone. The SIA are our recovery and support us no matter what.


Last year, Claire Williams became the Vice President of the SIA. This weekend Williams Racing and the SIA are launching a fantastic membership opportunity for those who love motorsport and want to support this important charity. I was honoured when I was allowed to be involved with the creation of this unique product! Today you can purchase membership to the SIA Motorsport Club which gives you exclusive access to Williams Racing. Check the link to become a member: SIA Motorsports Club